Hi frnds Oracle deals in the database.
It has been proved that oracle as the most powerful database in the whole world.
It is the maximum secure database.
Oracle provides lots of certifications in there different versions the basic version where you can start learning is "Oracle 9i".
Oracle certifications are
1. OCA it stands for Oracle Certified Associate
2. OCP it stands for Oracle Certified Programmer
3. OCM it stands for Oracle Certified Master.
these are the certifications are the complete package of Oracle certification.
the above two OCA and OCP certifications are very impoertant certification if you clear the OCA certification then you can go for OCP certification after clearing OCP you can go for OCM certification.
The OCM certification is the class room study in the Oracle University if you choose this course you have to go under training on the different centers across the world.

Oracle Certification Program
Oracle9i Database Administrator
Oracle 9i Database Administrator Certification combines training, experience, and testing to ensure that you have a strong foundation and expertise in Oracle9i Database techniques, including backup and recovery, performance tuning, and administration. Oracle9i Database provides efficient, reliable and secure data management for high-end applications such as high-volume online transaction processing (OLTP) environments, query-intensive data warehouses, and demanding Internet applications.

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